the heidi files.

the heidi files.
If you write it all down it doesnt exist...
wait it's 1984 come to life
we willingly freely and almost readily provide our most inner details served fresh and with precise amounts of truth, envy, and wrath.

I lead an interesting and full life, which I purposly complicated with a family. I make 10,000 lists, stay up too late almost everynight, love NPR and W Magazine and am a lover of beautiful people...I am a lucky girl with insightful means, watch out becasue I will surely surprise you.

"We all grow up someday, we might as well know what we want" [little women]

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Don't shit where you sleep.
 Is that how it goes or is there a loop hole for this scenario when you have passed the point of no return and have shit all over yourself... Then in that moment is it ok to shit where you sleep, (being a degree better then defecating all over yourself)?

Well fuck if I know. 
 I wanna scream this sediment to so many people right now, try and understand them, but in my quest for finding empathy I only to find apathy.
 It would settle my stomach far better then judgement or bias.
Life seems to be this cluster fuck of disarray these days and as much as I can see that I have changed and grown with my reactions to the situations I am experiencing, I still feel emotionally drained by these experiences- how to truly separate myself from the noise is a strained concept.

I can hear this mental update in my head telling what I need to do get it together, but writing it all down makes it seem real.
 Fuck...transparency such a frightful concept...

Stop hanging out with people who drain the life out of you and are never going to get it together

Write, Read and play music more and worry less about drama including checking your phone like you are going thru crack withdrawals

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anxiety. in your heart. in your brain.

anxiety. in your heart. in your brain.

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