Social work, is there is any other kind?
No matter what job you are in there is never a time when you are not connected with other people, and with people come their problems, and the universe knows we all have enough of our own without going and throwing a bag of someone else's f*cked up shit in the mix.I never saw myself doing anything other than connecting with people.
As a child I never wanted to not help
You know how some kids are that way with animals I was and am that way with people.
The difference when you have a bad day at the office, you can walk away from the computer, or rationalize that you need a break, a snack, a time out, but with a homeless woman, or a drug addict or a lost child or a solider there is no break. Only the thought, "have I done everything I can do, presently?"- yet the digression and opportunity to walk away and separate yourself is not literally there for the taking- ,more preverbial i suppose in the fact that it is a skill that has to be taught and then learned .
"My heart cannot serve at it's highest level with out my brain functioning at it's..."
I let the tears fall, because they are human tears, they are compassionate prayers for the lost and dreary.
With time, and more and more education I will learn Robotic Tendencies and filter my heart out my work.
Still a small portion of my heart will be with every person I meet. Because it's not work, it's social work. And I have yet to meet a person who didn't breath air the same way in and out, as you and I do everyday.
I guess when I meet that robot I will turn into one as well.
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